What is adjective? what are the degrees and 7 types of Adjective?

Adjective: An adjective is a word which modifies the goodness and badness of person, place and thing OR noun, pronoun and other adjectives.


The color of my book is blue.

In the above sentence “the color of my book is blue” the word “blue” describes the pronoun “my book”

Note: Adjectives has three different degrees.

An adjective is defining the goodness and badness of noun and pronoun it also defines comparing between 1, 2 and 3 people, place and things

  1. Positive degree
  2. Comparative degree
  3. Superlative degree

1. Positive degree:

Positive degree shows simple adjectives it only describes not compare.

(Good, tall, short, clean, dirty, beautiful, ugly, fast)


This orange is sour.

This is a tall tree.

2. Comparative degree:

In a comparative degree, we compare two people two place and two things. we normally use the word “than” while comparing.

(better, taller, shorter, cleaner, dirtier, more beautiful, uglier, faster)


This orange is sourer.

This is a taller tree.

3. Superlative degree:

Superlative degree describes 1 person comparing with all or u can say we compare three or more than three.

(best, tallest, shortest, cleanest, dirtiest, most beautiful, ugliest, fastest)


This orange is sourest.

This is the tallest tree.


  1. In degrees of adjective, the words with one or two syllables turn into “er and est”  for example, short, shorter, shortest
  2. The words with three or more syllables don’t use “er or est”  instead of that we use “more and most”
  3. There are some exceptions to rules the word like “Good, bad, far, little and many more are irregular adjectives having one syllable it turns into better, best and worse, worst.
  4.  The words ending in “Y” will be changed into “i”

The 7 types of adjective

  1. Article
  2. Descriptive
  3. Quantitive
  4. Demonstrative
  5. Possessive
  6. Interrogative
  7. Distributive

1. Article:

There are three articles in English “A, AN and THE” that we mostly use in our sentences which shows adjectives.

A- singular, general item

AN- singular, general item. Use this before words that start with a vowel.

THE-singular or plural, a specific item


I am talking to a girl.

She ate an orange

The books which I received was wonderful.

When we are talking about general things, use A and AN and when we are talking about something specific, use THE like “the dog” but when you use A cat it can be used to refer to any dog in the world. The dog is used to refer to the dog that just saved us.

2. Descriptive:

A descriptive adjective describes your thinking about adjectives that describe noun and pronoun.


The car is new.

This shirt is clean.

In this, both sentence “the car” is described that it is “new” and “the shirt” is described that it is “clean” which shows adjective.

3. Quantitative:

The quantitative adjective describes the quantity of something.

(how much, how many, a lot, whole, etc)


How many students do you have?

I have visited the whole country.

4. Demonstrative:

The demonstrative adjective is used to demonstrate or indicate a specific person, place or animal.

 This- used to a singular noun close to u or near to you.

 That- used to a singular noun far from you.

 These- used to a plural noun close to you.

 Those- used to a plural noun far from you.


Those are my notebooks.

This is my pan.

5. Possessive:

Possessive adjective shows ownership. it describes to whom a thing belongs.

(my, his, her, their, your, our, its)


His pant is white.

Her makeup is dangerous.

6. Interrogative:

An interrogative adjective shows to ask a question or interrogate. These adjectives are mostly followed by a noun or pronoun and are formed to ask a question.

which- shows to make a choice between options.

     what- shows to make a choice in general

   whose- shows things belongs to who


What color do you want to paint the wall?

Whose pen are you using?

7. Distributive:

A distributive adjective describes specific out from a group. This adjective talks about single or individual items or people.

(each, every, either, neither, any)


Every student has their own cards.

Each player plays their own task.









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