App Store Optimization: Top Key Metrics to Monitor

With over 2.2 million apps available on the Apple App Store and over 3.5 million apps on the Google Play Store, app store optimization (ASO) has become an essential part of any app marketing strategy. ASO refers to the process of optimizing an app’s listing to increase visibility and downloads. However, just like with any other marketing strategy, it’s important to measure the effectiveness of your ASO efforts. In this article, we will discuss the top key metrics to monitor for effective ASO.


App Downloads

1. App Downloads

App downloads are the most critical metric to monitor when it comes to ASO. The number of downloads an app receives determines its success in the app store. To increase downloads, it’s important to optimize the app’s listing to make it more visible and attractive to potential users.

2. App Ratings and Reviews

App ratings and reviews are essential metrics to monitor as they directly impact an app’s ranking in the app store. The app store algorithms take into account the number of positive reviews and ratings an app receives when determining its ranking. It’s crucial to encourage users to leave positive reviews and ratings, as it helps increase the app’s visibility and credibility.

3. Conversion Rate

Conversion rate refers to the percentage of users who download the app after visiting its listing. A high conversion rate indicates that the app’s listing is compelling and persuasive enough to encourage users to download it. Monitoring the conversion rate helps identify areas where the app’s listing can be improved to increase downloads.

4. Impressions

Impressions refer to the number of times an app appears in the app store search results. Monitoring impressions helps determine the app’s visibility and reach. If an app’s impression rate is low, it may indicate that its listing needs to be optimized to increase its visibility in the app store search results.

5. Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Click-through rate refers to the percentage of users who click on an app’s listing after seeing it in the app store search results. A high CTR indicates that the app’s listing is compelling and relevant to users’ search queries. Monitoring the CTR helps identify areas where the app’s listing can be improved to increase its visibility and attract more users.

6. Keyword Rankings

Keywords play a crucial role in ASO, as they determine the app’s visibility in the app store search results. Monitoring the app’s keyword rankings helps identify which keywords are driving the most traffic to the app’s listing. It also helps identify which keywords the app is not ranking for, allowing for optimization opportunities.


Retention Rate

7. Retention Rate

Retention rate refers to the percentage of users who continue to use the app after a specific period, such as a week or a month. Monitoring the retention rate helps determine the app’s user engagement and loyalty. If the retention rate is low, it may indicate that the app needs to be improved to keep users engaged and interested.

8. Cost per Acquisition (CPA)

Cost per acquisition refers to the amount of money spent on acquiring a single user. Monitoring the CPA helps determine the effectiveness of the app’s marketing and advertising efforts. If the CPA is too high, it may indicate that the app’s marketing and advertising campaigns need to be optimized to increase their effectiveness.

9. Revenue

Revenue is the ultimate goal of any app marketing strategy. Monitoring the app’s revenue helps determine its overall success and profitability. It’s important to track the app’s revenue and identify which marketing and ASO strategies are driving the most revenue.

10. Uninstalls

Uninstalls refers to the number of users who uninstall the app after downloading it. Monitoring uninstalls helps identify the reasons why users are uninstalling the app, allowing for optimization opportunities. If the app’s uninstall rate is high, it may indicate that the app needs to be improved to keep users engaged and interested in using it.

11. Conversion Funnel

A conversion funnel refers to the series of steps a user takes from discovering an app to downloading and using it. Monitoring the conversion funnel helps identify which steps in the process are causing users to drop off and allows for optimization opportunities. Improving the conversion funnel can lead to an increase in downloads and user engagement.

12. Social Shares

Social shares refer to the number of times an app is shared on social media platforms. Monitoring social shares helps determine the app’s reach and virality. Encouraging users to share the app on social media can lead to increased visibility and downloads.

13. Competition Analysis

Finally, it’s important to monitor the competition and their ASO strategies. Analyzing the competition helps identify which keywords they are targeting, what their app listings look like, and how they are acquiring users. This information can be used to optimize the app’s listing and ASO strategies to gain a competitive advantage.


In conclusion, app store optimization is crucial for the success of any app in the app store. Monitoring the key metrics mentioned above helps determine the effectiveness of the app’s ASO strategies and identifies areas for optimization. By continuously monitoring and optimizing these metrics, app developers and marketers can increase visibility, downloads, engagement, and revenue.

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