Five Inspiration Books You Must Read in 2020
Successful people read books, successful people listen and successful people never stop learning. If you are not learning, growing and evolving. Who you were yesterday, who you will be tomorrow is going to be no better. If you are not growing, you are falling behind. If you want to grow you must start injecting your mind with new information, always looking for a new spark, something to light a fire inside you.
In this article I am going to tell you about Five Inspiration Books You Must Read in 2020. these books are the one which inspires me. and these books are played a major roll in my success. down below are the best books you must read.
A book is a Friend
There is no friend as loyal as a book, yes its true. Reading books is not only reading it means a conversation between you and your book, every book says something and the best book doesn’t only say but also listen to you, try to know you, and tells you where you are and where you can be. Reading access you the thought and mind level of those people is not easy to reach. From reading your knowledge increases, you aim your circulation of life improves.
The best world leaders are readers. Remember it that “LEADERS are READERS” such as Bill Gates, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, and etc. Reading plays an important role in their life. In my own life reading contributed a positive impact. That’s why in my today’s article I will write about five inspirational books that will help you rise to a new level in your life, in every area. Financially, spiritually and physically.
Books 1. Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill)

Allah Almighty says “if you are not born rich then don’t die poor” it means to make yourself that much able that you reach the high level you achieve your goals, moral and your aims. Your ability your success and a true gold mine for your mind filled with golden nuggets. This inspiring book will change your life in any given chapter. It tells you how you make impossible to possible, how to travel the journey of life interestingly. Just try and find a highly successful people who have not read this book.
I am surprised such a person exists “Think and Grow Rich” is the book said to have created more millionaires than any other book in history. You will learn the secrets used by the ultra-wealthy and successful people. The secrets and principles which when applied worked, just the same today. You will learn the practical steps on how to transform our dreams into reality and how to apply all the traits of successful people to your life that they are now leaders. Everybody is born poor but if you die poor it is not Allah’s mistake, it is your fault, you haven’t tried. Buy on Amazon
Books 2. Rich Dad Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki)

In this book, the writer has talked about two fathers. One his father and the other one is his father’s friend. His father is poor while his father’s friend is the rich dad. His father has worked his whole life traditionally and has struggled financially, while his father’s friend has changed the traditional way and finds out new ideas, methods and became the world’s richest man and successful person in his life.
After reading this book you will get many pieces of information and tips on how to get or earn income, Finance, and success. It does not matter that only by education you get success and money but also it will change your idea that how you can earn more than your mindset, more income, and more success. Do you know what FATHER means? Father is the head of the family without a parent home is empty. must read this book to inspire others. Buy on Amazon
F – Means faith of a family, the power of Family.
A – Means avoid the bad company from the Family.
T – Means the trust of Family.
H – Means hear the feeling Voice.
E – This means emotion for the Family.
R – Means relation Never Forgets.
Books 3. The Magic of Thinking Big (David J. Schwartz. Ph.D.)

Do you believe you can achieve your goals? If you believe in yourself then others will also believe in you and will support you to achieve your goals. the book for your inspiration. Everyone has a goal in their life or a person works on his weekend or a small task is given to complete in months, years or weeks and the money will be paid whether twenty thousand dollars or 50 dollars, etc. you can earn in 10 years for your saving, life-changing, and achievements.
when you step towards your goals, you feel a little fear of how to start the journey of success, whether you can fulfill your aims, purposes or not. To overcome the answer to this hard question, first of all, you have to believe yourself. It means you have to improve your mindset. Make your mind that much powerful and able that while doing any work it shouldn’t hesitate, when you did it then the mind will creatively find its way of success.
Mckinsey’s foundation for management research has declared that believing in yourself has a great advantage that people will also believe in you. they have said that business, government, science, and religious leaders have been interviewed and asked that with which kind of person you want to work? and in a candidate what desire qualities should be present? everybody answered, “THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG” which means believing in yourself. Buy on Amazon
Books 4. The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman Vincent Peale)

Everybody knows what is positive thinking but today I am sharing my own experience when I read the book. The power of speaking positively about yourself, about others. The impact that it has on your subconscious mind. All the success stories in the world are the stories of great failure but it was there ability to bounce back in tough time that makes them successful, you don’t lead your life, your pattern is leading your life. you don’t make your decision, your pattern is influencing your decision. how you get positive thinking? what is the real source of positive thinking? Many people say recognition, trust, the happiness of achievement, entertainment,
Many people say success, many people say money, If the money was a motivation of thinking positive then the organization which is giving you the highest salary should avoid zero employers but even their people are living. Money is not the highest motivation of thinking positive. if success is your real source of positive motivation when it comes, you are motivated when it changed to dark day then your motivation of positive sight also goes. Thinking positive should not be outside in, it should be inside out. It can make you, it can break you. you can become strongly mental or you can become mentally strong. you can have a hopeless end or you can have an endless hope. “Change your thoughts and you change your world” an inspiration book. Buy on Amazon
Books 5. How to Win Friend and Influence People (Dale Carnegie)

If you want to enhance your relationships with others personally and in business. If you want to understand how to genuinely create and maintain positive relationships and respect with anyone, If you want to understand how to communicate with anyone to get that job, to land that deal, to create a winner circle this book is for you. It is no wonder this book has sold 15 million copies! The practical advice given by Dale Carnegie will transform your life.
If you want to make a good impression than Meet everyone with a smile. Our action shows our personality, our talks, our behavior, etc. If you want to be likable by all the first thing is to show others that you are enjoying their company. If you see someone and feel happy than others will also have the same feeling for you. the sociologist has discovered that excessive smile has positive side effects. it seems that positive emotion and smile have a connection. consciously smiling increases positive emotions, as well as positive emotion involentierly increases smile. which means by smiling we get happy and make others as well happy.
It is said that smiling doesn’t cost but its value is too much it makes other faces happier. Never criticize others, never point out others mistake because it does not encourage their behavior
Because people don’t notice reasons they notice emotions. Show your sincere appreciation, honesty and give them importance. This is the best inspiration. Buy on Amazon
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A book is the best teacher that teach us many new things about life experience. If you have time so I prefer you to read a book daily and the above books are inspirational for every single person.