Four Mobile Apps Every Working Person Should Start Using

The smartphone industry exploded over the last decade, and it looks like everybody uses one. Statistics reveal that over 60% of worldwide website traffic comes from mobile devices, and more and more people use them as primary Internet access technology.

Furthermore, smartphones can increase work productivity, providing communication benefits and 24/7 access to business information. Simultaneously, employees should use additional cybersecurity software if they utilize mobile devices for work-related tasks.

Below we gathered a list of practical applications to assist an employee with various tasks.


1. Communication Apps

There are dozens and dozens of different mobile communication apps, but not all are optimized for business purposes. It’s not particularly comfortable to use Facebook Messenger for team communication, and so many processes depend on effective information sharing.

A fully-developed mobile business communication app should integrate with email and SMS services, support audio and video calls, schedule meetings, share files, create separate channels, etc. Some communication apps allow the creation of knowledge libraries to store important documents that can be accessed during live chats.

It would be best to verify your app’s encryption policies before using it for confidential business conversations. Encryption ensures the data exchange remains private and protected against online surveillance and man-in-the-middle attacks. The current Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) should always be available, and additional security features like multi-factor authentication and private chats are advantageous.

2. Productivity Apps

Maintaining high productivity is easier said than done. Many experienced productivity challenges while working from home, where Netflix or a tasty snack is just around the corner. Furthermore, smartphones were designed for intense browsing and interaction, and you are continuously bombarded with notifications, ads, messages, etc.

A productivity app is an excellent way to get some control over your activities during working hours. They can be extremely simple, providing a timer during which you focus solely on a single task, avoiding any other distractions. Others have additional features; for example, some productivity apps have game-like reward systems for that extra motivation.

Maintaining focus on a device designed for maximized interaction takes time and practice. Setting realistic tasks and increasing your work time bit by bit is best, and never forget to reward yourself for successful sprints.

3. Cybersecurity Apps

There’s a huge increase in cyberattacks against smartphone users. Because nearly everyone now owns one, hackers shifted their attention and started developing mobile malware. Furthermore, many smartphone users still skip cybersecurity, which can have dire consequences if you use your mobile for work.

Since most smartphone users utilize public Wi-Fi hotspots, a VPN is highly advisable. VPNs apply additional encryption to online data flow, protecting it from third-party espionage. Hackers often target public Wi-Fi looking for unprotected devices and stealing their data.

Cybercriminals can also target business-related accounts. They infect mobile devices with keyloggers or other spyware to extract credentials and gain unauthorized access. For online account protection, we recommend using a password manager. It will store all important passwords in a safely encrypted vault and autofill them on request to neutralize surveillance malware.

Lastly, it’s essential to keep all apps up-to-date. Updates frequently include crucial cybersecurity patches essential to remaining safe in the virtual.

Mobile apps

4. Office Management Software

Office managers have smartphones glued to their hands as their profession requires constant availability. They must be updated with everything happening around them and often have to run errands outside the front desk, so having mobile communication access is a must.

Office management apps, for example, Flanco, help you and your team automate routine tasks. It helps organize the workflow and office space, depending on what your enterprise does.

These types of apps also assist with streamlining the whole office team’s operations. It allows for visualizing tasks and setting priorities, progress tracking, virtual meetings, room bookings, etc. Most companies use similar software to coordinate communication between different departments.

Office Management Software is highly beneficial to remote workers too, as they can easily participate in meetings, receive relevant information, and coordinate with managers and team members in real time.

Security features like end-to-end encryption and multi-factor authentication should be available anytime such apps handle sensitive data, like clients’ banking details and personally identifiable information.

Final Words

Smartphones are improving yearly, and getting lost in all updates is easy. Mobile software has improved tremendously, and we hope our article illustrates how you can utilize it to streamline working processes.

However, it’s crucial to remember that securing your device is up to you, and leaking confidential business data poses serious risks.

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