How to Remember or Memorize Vocabulary?

Hello, I am back with my new article which is about How to Remember or Memorize Vocabulary easily. here are various ways or method to remembers words. I had applied and it worked out so that I am telling you about this useful methods. I know you search a lot on Google and still, you don’t get your excite answer so don’t worry this article is for you and I am sure it will work out.

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Here are 15 ways to improve your vocabulary, all the method are easy and handy. As there is saying that if you believe in method or methodology then hands down you will learn it soon. so once give a shot and take notice of this method I am sure you will improve your vocabulary.

Always have a small notebook with your self

Many of the students are learning uselessly because they don’t focus on the subject or the words teacher is teaching or they might get absent in the class on a very important day so the very beautiful tip is to always have a brochure so if they get absent as well they can copy from their classmate.

Write every day a new vocabulary

In your daily activity and routine, you talk with many different people or students in your class, university, college, and school. so different people have different ideas and talks so you learn from each a new vocabulary. write them down.

While you are taught write down all the vocabulary

Daily ask your teacher for a new vocabulary and write that in your notebook.

Search always for new vocabulary and write down that

In modern science technology people have developed too much that everyone has laptops, mobile, computer, Ipads and etc. so for a second search from google new vocabularies.

when you sleep once opens the brochure and read

Before going to bad take a notice of your daily vocabularies that your teacher taught you or that one which you searched for.

While waking up once open your notebook and read

Many people or teachers taught us to wake up early in the morning but why what is the main reason to wake up early? as my glimpse in the morning our mind is fresh and relaxed, whatever we want to learn we can do it easily. hands down pay attention to those words which you learned.

While going to class once open your vocabulary notebook

When you are stepping towards your class make it sure that you have revised your vocabularies.

Participate in every vocabulary competition

The best way to improve your vocabularies. participates in every competition such as easy, story, paragraph, biography, Autobiography writing because here you will learn many new vocabularies.

Play vocabulary games

there are many games that you play in your fare time in order to have a relaxation. the best game is vocabulary games that you can download that from your play stores such as puzzle games, crossword, word connect, wordscapes, word crush, and pic words.

Memorize vocabularies

A very simple and easy way to memorize vocabularies is Daily memorizing A vocabulary, weekly memorize ten vocabularies and monthly memorize the whole notebook.

Remember the words used for all parts of the body

Firstly it is very essential to know about your all parts of the body because daily we are facing a lot of diseases and we need to go to the doctor and talk easily with the doctor about our problems which are recording our parts of the body.

Remember the words used for all materials you are using

This title is similar to the above-given title. Here we have to know about all the materials we are using for example going to the shop or supermarket you need lots of things to buy if you know the names it will be very helpful for you in buying the materials.

Use vocabulary in your speech

While talking try to use the vocabularies you are taught or you have written as a result you will remember all your vocabularies easily.

Make your mind your own dictionary.

The symbol of an active, intelligent and genius student is to make your mind your dictionary. make your all vocabularies your memo and save that permanently in your mind that future it helps you in your ideology.

Some new vocabularies:

  • Snobbish (adj) arrogant, haughty
  • Mild- manner (adj) kind behavior
  • Spa (n) hot tube, health resort
  • Negotiable (adj) open to discussion
  • Pulse (n, v) beat, throb
  • Choke (v) suffocate, block
  • Solo (adj) alone, unaccompanied
  • Alibi (adj) explanation, evidence of being innocent
  • Gambler (n) cards player
  • Shovel (n) spade, a tool for digging having a long handle
  • Tarmac (n) black material used for making roads surface, blacktop
  • Ala (pre) the same style of something


If you are a student be a very attentive and intelligent and motivating student make your  teacher to bring you new things for class or if you are a teacher then the sign of a good and punctual teacher is

“be a good student at night time and the best teacher at the daytime”

because at night you will read and will practice for your class. for your student to give them new vocabularies, new ideas, new informative tips


This article shows you many ways to remember and memorize the vocabulary easily. and I told you fully deep about the method, only you need to believe on my method and try it once.

if you have any kind of problems then feel free to leave comments.


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