What Is CCNP Collaboration Certification hi?

The surging competition in the IT industry necessitates the requirement of experts who can comply with the benchmark. Furthermore, the constant evolution in the IT fields requires the professionals to go for certifications and courses to meet the yardsticks.

The CCNP collaboration is a certification for jobs and promotion and people working in IT networking companies can get it to contribute their work fields. An individual can go ahead with this certification course only after fulfilling the prerequisites.

Collaboration and prerequisites

Collaboration is one of the most crucial requirements for taking a business to heights of success and introducing innovation.

The individuals undergoing this course or certification can implement their technical knowledge to bring revolutionary changes in businesses and increase the efficacy of the collaboration experience of the organization in which they serve. Here are the prerequisites to fulfil to take the CCNP collaboration certification.

● The individual must hold a CCNA Collaboration certification or CISCO CCIE/CCDE certification.
● The aspirants with valid CCIE Collaboration or CCIE Voice Certification need to only take and clear 300-075 CIPTV2 to get CCNP Collaboration certification.

Proving the expertise

The CCNP Collaboration certification helps in proving your expertise in collaboration solutions. However, if you are eager to earn CCNP Collaboration certification, you need to take two examinations:

● The first examination comprises the core technologies of collaboration
● In the second stage, you can take the collaboration examination of your choice and personalize the certification based on the technical area of expertise.

Due to advancements in technology that are gradually making way to new applications of collaboration and businesses that connect with machines, people, and equipment, individuals working as network specialists need to enhance their knowledge. With predictability in networking, the team of workers in the IT industry dealing with collaboration can make the most of automation to measure their infrastructure.

However, in order to leverage on the technology, the modern-day collaboration professionals must have adequate expertise and skills to greater focus on the areas of strategic technology and this is what the CCNP Collaboration certification offers.

CCNP Collaboration program design

The CCNP Collaboration certification can help the aspirants prove their expertise in the constantly-evolving scenario of collaboration technology. The CCNP certification covers the core along with the area of technology that the candidate prefers.

Therefore, the candidates taking the course can take their career to new heights and hone their collaboration skills to contribute to the efficacy of an organization. The CCNP Collaboration certification is among the examinations that offer you an opportunity to boost your accomplishments. Here are the advantages of this certification

● With the CCNP collaboration certification, you can prove your knowledge through a widely-recognized certificate that delivers value to the collaboration specialists.
● The certification allows you to add the skills of collaboration automation to your current level of expertise.
● The CCNP core examination allows you to qualify for the CCIE collaboration examination.
● In the highly upgraded and advanced world of collaboration technologies, the CCNP collaboration certification gives you a unique space and allows you to brace yourself for advancements taking place in the future.
● The candidates can customize the certification to the area of their technical focus.
● Attaching the badge of CCNP Collaboration Certification to your social media profiles for a better outcome.

Getting CCNP Collaboration certification

The CCNP Collaboration certification makes you more adept with the job roles in the professional world of collaboration technology. Undoubtedly, this certification from CISCO is one of the most recognized options and asters your core knowledge and also gives you the flexibility to choose an area the candidates prefer.

Here are the details of the examination you need to take to earn the certification.

  • ● The core examination is Implementing and Operating CISCO Collaboration Core Technologies v1.0 (350-801 CLCOR) that focuses on the knowledge of collaboration framework.
    ● Through the core examinations, you can be tested for your knowledge in protocols, design, endpoints, and codecs related to collaboration infrastructure.
    ● You need to pass the core exam to qualify for the next exam that focuses on your choice of technology.
    ● The next exam focuses on different areas of technology. Such as call control, mobility, automation, along with cloud and edge solutions.

If you are trying to boost your competencies in the world of collaboration. Take the examinations today to achieve the certification.


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