How to Unreport Junk Messages on Samsung Phone

Have you ever accidentally marked a message as junk on your Samsung phone? Don’t stress, it happens to the best of us! The good news is that you can undo it. Getting unreported messages back to their rightful place is easier than it seems. Let’s dive in and I’ll show you how to unreport junk messages on your Samsung phone in a fun, easy-to-follow way.

What Happens When You Mark a Message as Junk?

First, let’s clear up the mystery. When you report a message as junk on your Samsung phone, it gets moved to a special “Spam” folder. Samsung tries to protect you from annoying spam texts or potential scams. Sometimes, however, innocent texts get caught in the net. Don’t worry, we’re going to fix that mistake. Ready? Let’s go!

How to Find the Junk Messages

Step one is finding where those sneaky junk messages live. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Messages app on your phone.
  • Tap the Three Dots in the top-right corner for more options.
  • From the dropdown menu, select Spam and Blocked. That’s where all the junk messages are hanging out.

You’ve made it to the Spam folder. Great job! Let’s find the message you want to unmark as junk.


How to Unreport the Junk Message

Now comes the fun part—setting things right. Here’s what to do:

  1. Scroll through the list in the Spam and Blocked folder until you see the message you mistakenly reported as junk.
  2. Tap and hold the message. This action will select it—it may highlight or show a checkmark.
  3. Look for the Restore or Not Spam option that appears (this can vary slightly depending on your phone model).
  4. Tap Restore, and the message will be moved back to your main inbox!

That’s it! The message is no longer labeled as junk. Feel free to respond to it, save it, or ignore it—your choice!

How to Avoid Adding Messages to Junk by Accident

Making the same mistake again? Nobody wants that. Here are some quick tips to avoid accidentally marking messages as junk:

  • Be careful when handling text messages. Don’t hit options or buttons too quickly.
  • Double-check before confirming any “Report Spam” or similar notifications.
  • Add trusted contacts to your address book; Samsung is less likely to classify those messages as junk.
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When You Can’t Find the Unreport Option

Uh-oh. What happens if you can’t see the “Restore” or “Not Spam” option? No panic, you’ve still got tricks up your sleeve!

  • Update your Messages app. Maybe the current version doesn’t have all the features you need.
  • Restart your phone. Sometimes, a quick reboot helps.
  • If all else fails, contact your service provider or Samsung Support. They’ve seen it all before and will happily help.

With a little patience, you’ll save your messages and feel like a tech wizard.

Celebrate Your Tech-Savvy Skills

Congratulations! You’ve successfully unreported a junk message on your Samsung phone. Doesn’t it feel good to solve a tech problem effortlessly? You’re now prepared to tackle any future SMS challenges life throws at you.

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Remember, the Messages app has plenty of features, and it’s okay to learn as you go. Next time someone needs help unreporting a junk message, you’ll be the hero they call!

So, go ahead—celebrate your newfound tech skills. You earned it!

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